
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Insulin and insulin resistance

Insulin and insulin resistance

Symptoms of insulin resistance
Here is a list of some of the most common symptoms of people with Insulin Resistance. Many symptoms manifest themselves immediately following a meal of carbohydrates, and others are more or less always present. Keep in mind that these symptoms may also be related to other problems.

1. Fatigue. The most common feature of Insulin Resistance is that it wears people out. Some are tired just in the morning or afternoon, others are exhausted all day.

2. Brain fogginess. Sometimes the fatigue of Insulin Resistance is physical, but often it's mental. The inability to focus is the most evident symptom. Poor memory, loss of creativity, poor grades in school often accompany Insulin Resistance, as do various forms of "learning disabilities."

3. Low blood sugar. Mild, brief periods of low blood sugar are normal during the day, especially if meals are not eaten on a regular schedule. But prolonged periods of this "hypoglycemia," accompanied by many of the symptoms listed here, especially physical and mental fatigue, are not normal.

Feeling agitated, jittery and moody is common in Insulin Resistance, with almost immediate relief once food is eaten.

4. Intestinal bloating. Most intestinal gas is produced from carbohydrates in the diet. Insulin Resistance sufferers who eat carbohydrates suffer from gas, lots of it.

5. Sleepiness. Many people with Insulin Resistance get sleepy immediately after eating a meal containing more than 20% or 30% carbohydrates. This means typically a pasta meal, or even a meat meal which includes potatoes or bread and a sweet dessert.

6. Increased weight and fat storage. For most people, too much weight is too much fat. In males, a large abdomen is the more obvious and earliest sign of Insulin Resistance. In females, it's prominent buttocks.

7. Increased triglycerides. High triglycerides in the blood are often found in overweight persons. But even those who are not overweight may have stores of fat in their arteries as a result of Insulin Resistance.

These triglycerides are the direct result of carbohydrates in the diet being converted by insulin.

8. Increased blood pressure. It is a fact that most people with hypertension have too much insulin and are Insulin Resistant. It is often possible to show a direct relationship between the level of insulin and blood pressure: as insulin levels elevate, so does blood pressure.

9. Depression. Because carbohydrates are a natural "downer," depressing the brain, it is not uncommon to see many depressed persons who also have Insulin Resistance.

Hmmmm...and another 'symptom' that I've been reading about is PCOS...a condition that causes lack of ovulation (infertility).

Why don't doctors tell people with a high risk for type II Diabetes that there is something that they can do to prevent it?

Ok...back to 'self nurturing'. I've been on the Carb Addict's eating plan for over a month now and I can't begin to tell you all what a difference it has made. I don't need a doctor to tell me that this is part of my problem and what has caused all my other issues.


  1. Most docs don't tell high risk people how to 'prevent' diabetes, because traditional medicine isn't into 'prevention'. They only know how to treat symptoms with drugs. If all docs taught their patients to prevent problems, docs wouldn't have any customers. Besides many people want to keep their unhealthy lifestyles and just get drugs to treat the symptoms. So many docs assume people won't do lifestyle changes, but only want 'treatment'.

    Good for you for wanting to change your 'heritage'. My mom had chronic gastrointestinal problems. She lived on 'mylanta', Gas-X, Tagamet (for reflux) and other gastrointestinal OTC drugs, while she smoked and ate foods that caused her pain. I was heading in the same direction, before my symptoms got sooo bad that OTC meds didn't stop the pain.

    Now I just avoid the foods that cause my allergy and celiac reaction symptoms. No drugs ... but I take digestive enzymes to counteract the damage done by years of 'gastritis' and 'reflux' meds (which destroyed my normal stomach acid). I no longer take probiotics, after taking a heavy duty treatment course of probiotics back in August(?).

    I look and feel sooo much younger and healthier than my mom did at age 60. Our heredity makes us vulnerable to certain diseases, but with a healthy lifestyle, we can escape the diseases our families suffered.

  2. "Our heredity makes us vulnerable to certain diseases, but with a healthy lifestyle, we can escape the diseases our families suffered."

    AMEN! I guess dealing with older parents also gives you a clearer picture of what your own future might be like. I want to take the good (their positive outlook on life and so forth) and change the bad.

