
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Habit #1: Water

"Many people live with chronic low-grade dehydration resulting in a variety of negative outcomes such as low energy, poor skin tone, and inadequate fat metabolism, to name a few."

This is my second post today because I really need to get started with this one ASAP. Getting enough fluids is always important but never as critical as when your body is fighting a bug (which mine has been for several weeks now). This is something that I'm not very good at I'll pray over it.

Honoring God with our bodies


"How do we honor God with our bodies? First, we take good care of them by eating the right foods in the right amounts and getting adequate exercise and sufficient rest. Second, we use them as God intended, staying pure sexually and using them to carry out good deeds that show love to others and honor God."

This one deserves to be printed out in church bulletins everywhere. What a powerful message that is so often neglected.