Thin Within, Christian Weight Loss
I think God has used Sue (again) to reach me and get me back on track with TW...and I think Advent is the perfect time for it.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
You Are Valentine's Day
You Are Valentine's Day |
![]() You are a true romantic who places the ultimate importance on love. You are warm hearted, and you find it easy to care for people. Love is what drives you - and you have a love to give. You enjoy making someone's day. You're full of surprises. What makes you celebrate: Being with the person you love on a special day At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The sentimental one On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: See it as romantic and special |
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Starting the next phase
Well...I'm done with phase one and I'm amazed. I lost another two pounds this week, even though it was hormonal time and I usually end up gaining. So...a total of 6.5 lbs in two weeks is incredible for me. Best yet, I'm feeling really good. I now start adding most fruits and whole grains. I had a bowl of oatmeal this morning and it was so yummy! I'm pretty sure that the weight loss will slow down at this point and I'm ok with that...since I'm feeling better, I'll probably start back up on my exercise routine.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
End of week one
I'm down 4.5 is unbelievable for me. Anyone who has been with me a while knows how much I struggle for every little half pound. This was amazing and so darn easy. I wasn't hungry and had no cravings...even with tons of candy from Halloween in the house. I feel in my tummy pants fit much better. I feel healthier overall too...even though we've had a bug in the house and both kids sick...I only felt like I was getting sick one day and bounced back up quickly. Normally it would have taken me down and had me laid out for a few days.
I only exercised one day so far, but I'm really hoping that as I feel stronger and more energized I can actually start exercising on a regular basis.
So here we go...week two...please say a prayer for me that I can continue this journey to better health.
I only exercised one day so far, but I'm really hoping that as I feel stronger and more energized I can actually start exercising on a regular basis.
So here we go...week two...please say a prayer for me that I can continue this journey to better health.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
YouTube - Thin Within Video 1a
I need to get back on track with all of this and it was really nice to see all the videos online. Maybe this is the answer to my prayers...once again.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Coping with Grief and Loss
Coping with Grief and Loss: Guide to Grieving and Bereavement: "Kübler-Ross proposed these stages of grief:
Denial: “This can’t be happening to me.”
Anger: “Why is this happening? Who is to blame?”
Bargaining: “Make this not happen, and in return I will ____.”
Depression: “I’m too sad to do anything.”
Acceptance: “I’m at peace with what is going to happen/has happened.”"
I think I just hit the 'depression' stage...I was hurting before, but now it seems at times like it is all too much to handle. I thought that I had been toughened with my mom's death and it wouldn't be possible to ever be able to hurt that bad again...but I was wrong. I miss my dad so much and I ache to hear his voice...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Zenni Optical - Complete prescription eyeglasses from $8.00
Zenni Optical - Complete prescription eyeglasses from $8.00 these prices...I can buy a new pair to go with each outfit...WOW. these prices...I can buy a new pair to go with each outfit...WOW.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Mom Makeover
I'm reading this book and am totally loving it! It is just what I needed to get myself going...direction with little baby steps...with you working on something (and journaling it)each day.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Blogthings - What's Your Personality Type?
Blogthings - What's Your Personality Type?
You Are An INFJ |
![]() The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. In love, you truly see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow. You enjoy relationships as long as they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation. At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable |
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Turning "Someday" into Today
Turning "Someday" into Today
"I come before you today to give you permission to start letting go.
Someone smarter than me once said, "You can have everything. You just can’t have everything right now!" To reach your goals and live the life you want, it takes priorities and patience—the ability to choose between two competing wishes, and the willingness to set one aside for now and wait.
You can build the path that you want to walk on, and decide which steps to take. It’s important to you—to your health, your goals and your family—that you take some time to exercise and plan healthy meals. You should treat it that way and give yourself permission to take that time without feeling guilty. The irony is that by being healthy and taking time from your schedule, you’ll be able to take care of more of that "other" stuff in the long run.
Besides, is anything on your to-do list really more important than your health? When it comes down to it, those choices may not be so tough after all."
"I come before you today to give you permission to start letting go.
Someone smarter than me once said, "You can have everything. You just can’t have everything right now!" To reach your goals and live the life you want, it takes priorities and patience—the ability to choose between two competing wishes, and the willingness to set one aside for now and wait.
You can build the path that you want to walk on, and decide which steps to take. It’s important to you—to your health, your goals and your family—that you take some time to exercise and plan healthy meals. You should treat it that way and give yourself permission to take that time without feeling guilty. The irony is that by being healthy and taking time from your schedule, you’ll be able to take care of more of that "other" stuff in the long run.
Besides, is anything on your to-do list really more important than your health? When it comes down to it, those choices may not be so tough after all."
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Stress management
Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world:
"All of us have tensions!
It is how we manage them. The saints learned how to regain their peace by looking at negative matters in a positive fashion.
When we don't control our thoughts -- when we hover over an issue, when we let things pile up, when we're in a negative mode -- we magnify tension.
Give it to God. Put it in a 'box' for Him. And if it's someone causing you stress, recall the Littler Flower -- who, stressed over a fellow sister who prayed loudly and rattled rosary beads in the chapel, asked God to love the nun through her, despite her own irritation. That defused the situation."
Friday, June 27, 2008
it is grace that heals
Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world:
"Go through your life and meditate on practices that could have increased your risk of disease -- of cancer, of diabetes -- and (in the Name of Jesus) dispel them. Ask forgiveness for abusing the temple of the Holy Spirit (which is what your body is) and pray again until your organs (particularly potentially troubled ones) are filled with grace.
It is grace that heals."
"Go through your life and meditate on practices that could have increased your risk of disease -- of cancer, of diabetes -- and (in the Name of Jesus) dispel them. Ask forgiveness for abusing the temple of the Holy Spirit (which is what your body is) and pray again until your organs (particularly potentially troubled ones) are filled with grace.
It is grace that heals."
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Decide Today
Decide today that you will have no regrets. And you'll free
up much time to actually get things done.
Decide today that you'll have no complaints. And your
thoughts can be focused on creative, productive pursuits.
Decide today that you'll carry no anger or resentment. And
you'll bring out the best in those around you.
Decide today to be accepting of whatever comes your way. And
you'll discover much value that would otherwise be hidden.
Decide today to be sincerely thankful for every moment. And
you'll be delighted at how beautiful and filled with
opportunity the world becomes.
Decide today to be truly alive. And joy will pour forth from
your soul."
Decide today that you will have no regrets. And you'll free
up much time to actually get things done.
Decide today that you'll have no complaints. And your
thoughts can be focused on creative, productive pursuits.
Decide today that you'll carry no anger or resentment. And
you'll bring out the best in those around you.
Decide today to be accepting of whatever comes your way. And
you'll discover much value that would otherwise be hidden.
Decide today to be sincerely thankful for every moment. And
you'll be delighted at how beautiful and filled with
opportunity the world becomes.
Decide today to be truly alive. And joy will pour forth from
your soul."
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Need for God
"Sunday, June 22, 2008
Need for God
Self-examination and prayer…should enlighten us
as to why we act as we do,
open our eyes to our passions,
but most importantly to the need for God in our lives."
Need for God
Self-examination and prayer…should enlighten us
as to why we act as we do,
open our eyes to our passions,
but most importantly to the need for God in our lives."
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Be yourself
"Be Yourself
Be strong enough to face the world each day.
Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything.
Be generous to those who need your help.
Be frugal with what you need yourself.
Be willing to share your joys.
Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.
Be a follower when you are shrouded in the midst of uncertainty.
Be the first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds.
Be the last to criticize a colleague who fails.
Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not stumble.
Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the wrong way.
Be loving to those who love you.
Be loving to those who do not love you, and they may change.
Above all, be yourself!"
Be strong enough to face the world each day.
Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything.
Be generous to those who need your help.
Be frugal with what you need yourself.
Be willing to share your joys.
Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.
Be a follower when you are shrouded in the midst of uncertainty.
Be the first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds.
Be the last to criticize a colleague who fails.
Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not stumble.
Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the wrong way.
Be loving to those who love you.
Be loving to those who do not love you, and they may change.
Above all, be yourself!"
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Season Color Analysis
Season Color Analysis | Spring Summer Autumn Winter
This site seems pretty good. I think I have to go through my closet now and see what needs to go.
This site seems pretty good. I think I have to go through my closet now and see what needs to go.
I'm an Autumn...who knew? LOL.
"If your coloring is warm and muted and deep rich shades…you are an
autumn. Autumns have golden undertones and often are redheads or
brunettes with brown eyes with golden flecks (their eyes have more
contrast compared to the fairer springs)
Autumns best colors with yellow undertones that are rich, earthy
colors such as camel, most browns, golden yellow, moss green, olive,
mustard yellow, and terracotta."
These are the colors that I tend to wear the most (I especially LOVE brown) and didn't even know why. HA! For example right now I'm wearing brown shorts with a khaki green top.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
little brat
Welcome to Bratland - Who is Welcome?: "You are an adult and have important things to do. You hardly have time to play now that you are a grown up. That is precisely why you are in the mess you are in. You have let the weight of the world pull you down in the dumps. If you are in the dumps it’s a good guess your house is a dump. Your inner child has been alone for years and is craving your attention. Children who crave attention will get it any way they can--even if it’s negative."
Friday, April 11, 2008
very, very good...
Intecessors of the Lamb - Teachings
"In the book of Genesis we watch God creating His entire universe and everything upon earth and it keeps saying "And He made this and He saw that it was good, and then this and He saw it was good." But then when He made man in His image and His likeness, the Scripture says, "He saw that it was very good." We have to remember that God sees us as we really are and we are very, very good. It does not mean that He does not want us to get through these problems. It does not mean that He does not want to touch and heal our pain, our hurt, deep in our desire for Him. It means that He wants us to open our hearts, so that we can be fully who we really are, His little children, made in the image and likeness of the entire Trinity and that we can come to see ourselves, and others also, as very, very good. Unless this happens, I do not think we can live out the new commandment to truly love one another as He has loved us, because He loves us without any conditions, just as we are."
Excerpt from Mother Nadine's, "Introduction to Inner Healing," Omaha, 2004
Monday, April 7, 2008
Old Age is a Gift.
(I just got this in an e-mail and I love it!)
Old Age, I decided, is a gift
> >
> > I am now, probably for the first time in my life, the person I
> >have always wanted to be. Oh, not my body! I sometime despair
> >over my body, the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging butt.
> >And often I am taken aback by that old person that lives in my
> >mirror (who looks like my mother!), but I don't agonise over those
> >things for long.
> >
> > I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my
> >loving family for less grey hair or a flatter belly. As I've
> >aged, I've become more kind to myself, and less critical of
> >myself. I've become my own friend.
> >
> > I don' t chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not
> >making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I
> >didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled
> >to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.
> >
> >
> > I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon;
> >before they understood the great freedom that comes with ageing.
> >
> > Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer
> >until 4 AM and sleep until noon?
> >
> > I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60&70's,
> >and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love .. I
> >will.
> >
> > I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a
> >bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I
> >choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set
> > They, too, will get old.
> >
> > I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is
> >just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important
> >things.
> >
> > Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your
> >heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child
> >suffers, or even when some body's beloved pet gets hit by a
> >car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and
> >understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine
> >and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
> >
> > I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning
> >gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into
> >deep grooves on my face. So many have never l aughed, and so many
> >have died before their hair could turn silver
> >
> > As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less
> >about what other people think. I don't question myself
> >anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.
> >
> > So, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I
> >have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am
> >still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have
> >been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert
> >every single day. (If I feel like it)
Old Age, I decided, is a gift
> >
> > I am now, probably for the first time in my life, the person I
> >have always wanted to be. Oh, not my body! I sometime despair
> >over my body, the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging butt.
> >And often I am taken aback by that old person that lives in my
> >mirror (who looks like my mother!), but I don't agonise over those
> >things for long.
> >
> > I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my
> >loving family for less grey hair or a flatter belly. As I've
> >aged, I've become more kind to myself, and less critical of
> >myself. I've become my own friend.
> >
> > I don' t chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not
> >making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I
> >didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled
> >to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.
> >
> >
> > I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon;
> >before they understood the great freedom that comes with ageing.
> >
> > Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer
> >until 4 AM and sleep until noon?
> >
> > I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60&70's,
> >and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love .. I
> >will.
> >
> > I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a
> >bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I
> >choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set
> > They, too, will get old.
> >
> > I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is
> >just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important
> >things.
> >
> > Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your
> >heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child
> >suffers, or even when some body's beloved pet gets hit by a
> >car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and
> >understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine
> >and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
> >
> > I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning
> >gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into
> >deep grooves on my face. So many have never l aughed, and so many
> >have died before their hair could turn silver
> >
> > As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less
> >about what other people think. I don't question myself
> >anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.
> >
> > So, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I
> >have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am
> >still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have
> >been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert
> >every single day. (If I feel like it)
Health and the Holy Spirit
Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world: "Have you not noticed how frustrating it is to try and figure matters out for ourselves? One year eggs are bad for us. Then they are good. We are told to drink eight glasses of water a day. Then we are told that studies don't support that recommendation. Each week, there is a new vitamin that is a panacea.
In fact, there are certain good things for us but each body is different and that's why, along with the suggestions of doctors, we need to ask the Holy Spirit what we should drink and eat."
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Facebook :my profile
Anyone here on facebook? I'm having a great time keeping up with family and friends on that is awesome!
Anyone here on facebook? I'm having a great time keeping up with family and friends on that is awesome!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Mother's Heart in Motion
Mother's Heart in Motion
Where we are striving to love God with our whole hearts and others as ourselves.
Come join us!
Where we are striving to love God with our whole hearts and others as ourselves.
Come join us!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
TimeWise® Day Solution

TimeWise® Day Solution Sunscreen SPF 25
Just wanted to take a moment to say how much I love these Mary Kay products. I used to use them regularly a while back and then I sank into some kind of pit of depression and anxiety or whatever and just stopped caring for myself. I'm back now...and it feels great!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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